About Us

Hamara has grown to be the largest ethnic minority organisation in the voluntary and community sector in Leeds.

Humble Beginnings

From its humble beginnings in a small office with 2 part-time staff working solely on one project we are now based in a purpose developed £1.2 million centre in Beeston. 

Hamara stands out as a beacon within the community and voluntary sector and its success has inspired many other organisations to emulate its achievements.

Working within the community sector and now employing over 20 staff, Hamara currently delivers several different strands of work including: Health Promotion, Youth Activities, Older People’s Services, Saturday Supplementary School, Learning Disabilities, Education and Employment & Training Programmes.

These are all key facets of our work in strengthening and supporting our community.

What is Hamara?

'Hamara' is an Urdu term meaning ‘OUR’. This reflects the foundation that the organisation belongs to the community. With our 250 active local members and three local Trustees.

Local residents participation is key at identifying the issues that Hamara then focuses on.

Overcome barriers and empower people to take more control.

Combating poor Mental Health, encouraging healthy living and an independent lifestyle. We start by focusing on what is STRONG and not what is WRONG.

HAMARA is a dementia friendly organisation.

We work with individuals to provide high challenges with high levels of support. Hamara is an advocate of the 5 WAYS TO WELL-BEING THEORY, which underpins the work that we deliver. The organisation works holistically within a family centred approach and is regarded as a Model of good practice both within its sector and by many statutory agencies in Leeds.


Hamara will apply to several funding bodies to support and help redevelop the Old Cockburn Sports Hall into a thriving community hub, run, led and driven by adults with learning disabilities.

The Cockburn Centre aims to become a ‘creative led’ day opportunity service promoting integration and inclusiveness for all who attend resulting in an inward investment of approximately £1.56 million to the region of Leeds and the creation of jobs.

Details of our next Public Consultation Event

For more information, download our PDF Brochure

Our Supporters